January 2019
A version for 4 participants was created for the first iteration of The Change Room, a monthly event space curated by Oana Damir, London. Sound installation and participatory performance 12 min. duration Participants: maximum 8 people at a time, lying on 8 wooden boards, wearing an overall for protection purposes. Materials: coal, ice, water, sand, soil, bricks (6) 8 human sized wooden boards, cone speakers playing various sound clips and 6 soundscapes. The 6 main substances will throughout the piece be laid on top of each participant’s body, depending on whether or not they raise their hands regarding certain statements, being these: You struggle in the heat (coal) You can’t bare the cold (ice) You would like to live next to the seaside (water) You think surviving in a desert is possible (sand) You have grown your own food before (soil) You think your house can protect you (bricks) In between each question, sound clips will be played, which have been gathered from: various news reports on recent weather conditions, interviews with scientists about future prospects, tutorials on how to cope with various climate changes, as well as doctors demonstrating the effects it can have on us and finally, how to prepare for a possible disaster. Gradually emerging soundscape will take over, each time relating to the material that is being brought in, leaving the participants immersed in both the physicality of the substances and the sounds associated with it. In the end, the participants are able to witness their own choices as well those of others in relation to the questions, by examining the substance left overs. 'Heavy Duty' does not present solutions but invites each of the participants to glimpse these possible outcomes, considering them in relation to their choices and beyond these. |